Sunday, 11 June 2017

Intersex Activist and Writer Hida Viloria on Being 'Born Both'

Intersex Activist and Writer Hida Viloria on Being 'Born Both':


We just got this memoir, and I started reading it today!

One of the earliest stories in it is when Hida has an operation and the doctor thoroughly shames he/r, looks down on he/r, and treats he/r like a freak of nature because of he/r intersex body.

S/he stresses out, knows not to go back to that doctor, but really worries that the doctor is right that there’s something wrong because  (as the doctor sneered) “it’s not normal.”

So s/he goes to a clinic at the local LGBT center, and the doctor is super supportive, and confirms that there’s nothing wrong, and tells he/r that people’s junk comes in all shapes and sizes, and that he/rs are beautiful.

It just made me think yet again about how fucking important it is to be intersex-inclusive.

Like, even if you don’t care that a super high percentage of intersex people are also trans, bi, lesbian, or gay, and need intersex awareness and allyship from those communities…

or that intersexism, the policing of people’s sex and gender and gender roles, is an integral part of of cissexism and heterosexism, if not the root of it…

it’s still crucial to know how much medical abuse, and other oppression, intersex people face, often even in infancy, and to stand up for them. And to realize that there’s not much chance of the straight world ever doing that, so it’s up to us.

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