Tuesday, 30 January 2018

The Man Who Spent Four Decades Interviewing Teen Stars

The Man Who Spent Four Decades Interviewing Teen Stars:


For more than forty years, between 1946 and 1988, Edwin Miller, the entertainment editor at Seventeen Magazine, conducted interviews with actors, musicians, and a few writers. His subjects were often in their teens or early twenties, poised at the cusp of their breakthroughs to fame. Many of them would go on to become the biggest stars of their time: Warren Beatty, Goldie Hawn, Audrey Hepburn, Eddie Murphy, Sarah Jessica Parker, Gregory Peck, Sidney Poitier, Meryl Streep, Jimi Hendrix, Madonna, Elvis Presley, and the Rolling Stones.

Miller died in 2004, but his archives at the New York Public Library opened in 2017. The collection includes forty boxes of transcripts and recordings from his interviews with young stars, long passages of which were never published.

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queerasfact: This is secret code used by 19th-century diarist...


This is secret code used by 19th-century diarist Anne Lister to record her lesbian relationships! And underneath, and sample of her diaries. Anne wrote 6600 pages, or almost 4 million words of these diaries, giving us a treasure trove of information about her life, and one of the only first-hand accounts we have of female same-sex relationships in the 19th century.

Now you too can communicate with your friends in secret lesbian code!

To learn more about Anne, check out our episode and follow-up Christmas special!

via Tumblr http://ift.tt/2BDTCoQ

Monday, 29 January 2018

dadh0pper: dadh0pper: In October David Harbour agreed to be in...

reasons you should watch The Good Place


- summary: likable asshole Eleanor Shellstrop is accidentally put in the ‘good place’ of the afterlife and tries to become a better person.

-by the creator of parks & rec and brooklyn 99, so you know it’s going to be good

- you know what you think the show is going to do when you read the premise? nope. does not do that.

- solid diversity with little to no reliance on stereotypes; the asshole is female and the kind, anxious ethics teacher is a black man, the glamorous socialite is pakistani-english

- highly quotable. “it’s like, who died and left aristotle in charge of ethics?” “PLATO.” 

- discussions of morality and redemption, real meat behind the jokes

- plot is ROCK. SOLID. you think “how are they going to write their way out of this?” and they DO IT. i trust the writers

- very different from other shows on tv in premise and execution - if you want more good, innovative tv, support this show

- also the series has a lot of twists and turns so i would advise NOT looking it up on the internet but is still v enjoyable if you know them

- in conclusion pls watch this show

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Saturday, 27 January 2018

Advocates: New Policy Restricts NY Inmates' Access to Books

Advocates: New Policy Restricts NY Inmates' Access to Books

via Tumblr http://ift.tt/2Bx4KE8

thunder-the-wolf: ruinedchildhood: ruinedchildhood: You can learn more about Team Supreme on...

Masterpost: Canadian Women’s shelters and resources to donate or volunteer to:


Last month on the anniversary of the Montreal Massacre (in which 14 women in Quebec were murdered because they were women) I decided I wanted to ask my followers for places I could donate to in the future, to support women around issues of violence against women, homelessness, domestic abuse, etc.

This post is a culmination of all the responses I got to that original thread. All these places are based on recommendations. If you think any of them is problematic, let me know. If there are others I’ve missed, let me know. I can update this list in the future.

Especially as the #Metoo and #Timesup movements have emerged, I think its important to support women’s organizations like these.

Here’s the list:



Awo Taan Healing Lodge: http://www.awotaan.org/

Calgary Communities Against Sexual Abuse (CCASA): http://www.calgarycasa.com/

Calgary Sexual Assault Response Team: https://www.albertahealthservices.ca/info/service.aspx?id=1962

University of Calgary: Sexual Violence Support Advocate: http://www.ucalgary.ca/sexualviolencesupport/

Women’s Centre of Calgary: http://www.womenscentrecalgary.org/

YWCA: https://www.ywcalgary.ca/


Indo-Canadian Women’s Association: http://icwaedmonton.org/

Sexual Assault Centre of Edmonton: https://www.sace.ab.ca/

Suit Yourself Clothes (Clothes donations): http://www.suityourselfclothes.org/

The Elizabeth Fry Society of Edmonton (for women at risk of becoming criminalized): http://www.efryedmonton.ab.ca/

WIN House Edmonton: http://winhouse.org/


Crossroads Resource Centre and Woman’s Shelter: http://www.crossroadsresourcecentre.com/

Grande Prairie:

Odyssey House: https://www.odysseyhouse.ca/

Red Deer:

Central Alberta sexual assault support center: http://casasc.ca/

Central Alberta Women’s Emergency shelter: http://cawes.com/

British Columbia:


Burnaby Safe House: http://safeshelter.ca/


Haven Society: https://www.havensociety.com/


Nova Transition House: http://www.chimoservices.com/get-help/nova-transition-house


Atira Women’s Resource Society: http://www.atira.bc.ca/donate

Nisa Homes (for immigrant, refugee and muslim women who are homeless): http://www.nisahomes.com


Battered Women’s Support Services (BWSS): https://www.bwss.org/

BC Women’s Hospital: http://www.bcwomens.ca/donate

Crabtree Corner Community Resource Centre: https://ywcavan.org/programs/crabtree-corner

Downtown Eastside Women’s Centre: http://dewc.ca/

Pace Society: By, With & For Sex Workers Since 1994: http://www.pace-society.org/about-us/mission-history/

Shelter & Housing - Union Gospel Mission: https://www.ugm.ca/services/affordable-housing/


Peers Victoria Resources Society (for sex workers): http://www.safersexwork.ca/


Manitoba Association of Women’s Shelters: http://www.maws.mb.ca/


The Women’s Resource Centre: http://www.thewomenscentrebrandon.com/


Agape House: http://agapehouse.ca/

Fort Garry Women’s Resource Centre: http://www.fgwrc.ca/

Ikwe Widdjiitiwin (for Indigenous Women): http://www.ikwe.ca/  

Klinic: http://klinic.mb.ca/about-klinic/

Native Women’s Transition Centre: http://www.nwtc.cc/

North End Women’s Centre: http://www.newcentre.org/

South Winnipeg Family Information Centre: http://www.swfic.org/

The Women’s Health Clinic: https://givewhc.com/about/

Willow Place Shelter: http://willowplaceshelter.ca/

Nova Scotia:

Chrysalis House (several locations in West Hants, Kings, and Annapolis Counties): http://www.chrysalishouseassociation.org/index.php/about-us

Tri-County Women’s Centre (Digby, Yarmouth and Shelburne counties): http://www.tricountywomenscentre.org/

Third Place Transition House (Truro, Colchester and East Hants counties): http://www.thirdplaceth.ca/


Autumn House: http://thans.ca/get-help/find-a-shelter/autumn-house/


Antigonish Women’s Resource Centre and Sexual Assault Service Association: http://awrcsasa.ca/

Cape Breton:

Every Woman’s Centre: https://www.facebook.com/Every-Womans-Centre-1558300964482783/

Dalhousie University:

Sexual Assault and Harassment Phone Line: http://dsu.ca/survivorsupport


Adsum for Women & Children: http://www.adsumforwomen.org/

Avalon Sexual Assault Centre: http://avaloncentre.ca/

Barry House: http://www.shelternovascotia.com/facilities-and-services/barry-house

Bryony House: http://www.bryonyhouse.ca

Sheet Harbour:

LEA Place Women’s Resource Centre: http://www.leaplace.com/


Every Woman’s Centre: https://www.facebook.com/Every-Womans-Centre-1558300964482783/


Central Nova Women’s Resource Centre: http://cnwrc.ca/


Juniper House: http://www.juniperhouse.ca/

New Brunswick:


Grace House For Women: http://www.theshelters.ca/?page_id=13/#Grace

Liberty Lane: http://www.libertylane.ca/

Women in Transition House: http://www.womenintransitionhouse.ca/home

Newfoundland & Labrador:

St. John’s:

Iris Kirby House: https://www.iriskirbyhouse.ca/

Naomi Emergency Shelter: https://www.domesticshelters.org/nl/st-john-s/a1e2s6/naomi-centre-for-women#.WmwtE5M-eso



Herizon House Shelter: http://www.herizonhouse.com/


Three Oaks: Shelter and Services for Abused Women and their Children: http://threeoaksshelterandservices.ca/


Haven House - Women’s Crisis Services of Waterloo Region: https://wcswr.org/


Women’s Habitat: https://womenshabitat.ca/


Sacha: Sexual Assault Centre: http://sacha.ca/

Womankind Addiction Service: http://www.stjoes.ca/hospital-services/mental-health-addiction-services/addiction-services/womankind-addiction-service

Notre Dame House & Community Outreach Services: https://www.goodshepherdcentres.ca/notre-dame-house

Aboriginal Health Centre: http://aboriginalhealthcentre.com/


Anselma House (for women and kids fleeing abuse): https://wcswr.org/about-us/our-services/residential/anselma-house/

Mary’s Place Emergency Shelter: https://www.ywcakw.on.ca/emergency-shelter

Marillac Place (support for young mothers): https://marillacplace.ca/

Sexual Assault Support Centre of Waterloo Region: http://www.sascwr.org/


My Sister’s Place: https://cmhamiddlesex.ca/about-cmha/msp/


Huronia Transition Homes: http://www.huroniatransitionhomes.ca/


Armagh House (housing): http://armaghhouse.ca/

Interim Place: http://www.interimplace.com/

Nisa Homes (for immigrant, refugee and muslim women who are homeless): http://www.nisahomes.com


Amelia Rising | Sexual Assault Centre of Nipissing: http://www.ameliarising.ca/

North York:

North York Women’s Shelter: http://nyws.ca/


Savis of Halton: Sexual Assault and Violence Intervention Services: http://www.savisofhalton.org


Denise House: https://thedenisehouse.com/


Cornerstone Housing for Women: https://www.cornerstonewomen.ca/

Elizabeth Fry Society of Ottawa(for women at risk of becoming criminalized: http://www.efryottawa.com/

Interval house of Ottawa: https://www.intervalhouseottawa.org/

Ottawa Rape Crisis Centre: http://www.orcc.net/

St. Joe’s women’s centre: http://www.stjoeswomenscentre.org/b/index.php

The Well: http://the-well.ca/

Richmond Hill:

Yellow Brick House: http://www.yellowbrickhouse.org/

Sault Ste Marie:

Pauline’s Place: https://www.facebook.com/PaulinesPlace%20/

Women in Crisis: https://womenincrisis.ca/

St. Catharines:

Gillian’s Place: http://www.gilliansplace.com/

Women’s Place South Niagara: http://womensplacesn.org/

YWCA: http://www.ywcaniagararegion.ca/


Barbra Schlifer Commemorative Clinic: http://schliferclinic.com/

Covenant House Toronto (Homeless youth): http://www.covenanthousetoronto.ca/homeless-youth/Home.aspx

Ernestine’s women’s shelter: http://ernestines.ca/

Mary’s home emergency shelter: http://www.svdptoronto.org/v2/mary-home.html

Native Women’s Resource Centre of Toronto: http://nwrct.ca/

Nellies shelter: http://www.nellies.org/

Red Door Family Shelter: https://www.reddoorshelter.ca/

Sistering (for at risk and homeless women): http://sistering.org/

Street Haven (homelessness): http://www.streethaven.org/


Naomi’s Family Resource Centre: http://www.naomiscentre.ca


Hiatus House: http://www.hiatushouse.com/

Nisa Homes (for immigrant, refugee and muslim women who are homeless): http://www.nisahomes.com

Welcome Centre Shelter for Women: http://www.welcomecentreshelter.com/


Anduhyaun Shelter: http://anduhyaun.org/anduhyaun-emergency-shelter-1/

Prince Edward Island:


Anderson House Emergency Shelter: http://www.fvps.ca/anderson-house/


Federation for Women’s Shelter in Quebec: http://www.fede.qc.ca/faire-un-don

‘Centers for Victims of Crime’ (many locations): http://www.cavac.qc.ca/


Chez Doris Shelter: https://www.chezdoris.org/en/

Head & Hands: http://headandhands.ca/

Women’s Centre of Montreal: http://en.centredesfemmesdemtl.org/


North Battleford:

Crystal’s Home (for youth): http://www.livingfaithchapel.ca/community-programming/crystals-home/


Souls Harbour Rescue Mission: https://www.shrmsk.com/


Saskatoon Interval House: https://saskatoonintervalhouse.org/

YWCA: http://www.ywcasaskatoon.com/crisis-shelter-residence/

Crisis Nursery (safe space for children): https://crisisnursery.ca/

Other resources:

Find shelters across Canada here:


Directory of rape crisis centres and transition homes, and women’s centres across Canada:


Assaulted Women’s Helpline (Ontario): 


Alberta SPCA will provide temporary shelter for pets of domestic abuse victims:


Newfoundland and Labrador: Transition Houses and Shelters for Abused Women in Canada 2008:


List of women’s shelters in Nova Scotia:


List of Sexual Assault centres in Nova Scotia:


List of various services across Canada:


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Newly launched LEAF initiative provides free services to Kentucky families

Newly launched LEAF initiative provides free services to Kentucky families

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Friday, 26 January 2018

Today was a little Grade 4 girl’s 11th birthday so she brought cupcakes to school.Her: *hands me a...

Today was a little Grade 4 girl’s 11th birthday so she brought cupcakes to school.

Her: *hands me a cupcake*

Me: Thank you very much! :D

Her: *100% seriously* You’re welcome very much. *walks away to give cupcakes to the secretaries*

I also heard someone said to her “I heard it’s your birthday today!” to which she replied with “Not until snack time when I get to have my cupcake.”

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kids are funny, kids are weird, and that's exactly why i love them lol, it's never boring  when they're around xD, School Libraries, school librarian, school life, libraryland, librarylife, canadian libraries

Libraries: More than just book repositories

Libraries: More than just book repositories

via Tumblr http://ift.tt/2GiCNmW

A+ Resources

You may not know what "Playaway View" and "Osmo" are, but your kids do. And they're now in Virginia Beach libraries.

You may not know what "Playaway View" and "Osmo" are, but your kids do. And they're now in Virginia Beach libraries.

via Tumblr http://ift.tt/2DFNend

Sunday, 21 January 2018

Random Fact #1,091


Tolkien developed 13 distinct languages for his Middle Earth stories.

He also made partial creations of other languages as well, such as Khuzdul (spoken Dwarvish) and Iglishmêk (Dwarvish sign language).

In other words, he was a huge freaking nerd.

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writing-prompt-s:Start or end your story with “Time unravels, The End.”


Start or end your story with “Time unravels, The End.”

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Teens showcasing and selling artwork at Memphis Public Libraries

Teens showcasing and selling artwork at Memphis Public Libraries

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sciencefriday: Meet the archivists preserving magnetic tape to...


Meet the archivists preserving magnetic tape to battle technology obsolescence. 

Even in this era of cloud storage, many data centers still use good, reliable magnetic tape. But as the technology develops at a faster rate, this backup is quickly becoming obsolete. What will become of the forgotten data preserved on the tape of the past? 

Explore the first story in Science Friday’s new “File Not Found” series. 

via Tumblr http://ift.tt/2mX20LM

Saturday, 20 January 2018

I think my favourite part of being multilingual are those moments when someone doesn’t realize you...

I think my favourite part of being multilingual are those moments when someone doesn’t realize you understand what they’re saying and they get embarrassed/caught in a lie/etc in some way. 

This past week one kid tried to lie to me about what their teacher had told him he was allowed to take out at the school library while she was distracted with someone else (he wanted to get out of reading in French).

I gotta say, his poker face as fantastic

Too bad I speak Portuguese and Spanish and took 3 years of French in junior high, which meant my response was “Dude, I was standing right here. I may not speak French but I understand it. That’s sooo not what she said.” 

The teacher was very amused.

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french immersion, School Libraries, librarylife, libraryland, french, reluctant readers

Staying warm in Winnipeg – the City shares where to go and what to do

Staying warm in Winnipeg – the City shares where to go and what to do

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pflibteens: escondidolibrary: When the whole series is at the...

Tuesday, 16 January 2018

Libraries wait, worry over possible effects of net neutrality repeal

Libraries wait, worry over possible effects of net neutrality repeal

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Public libraries in Kent open as warming centers

Public libraries in Kent open as warming centers

via Tumblr http://ift.tt/2D7yQzA

I’ve started putting the fiction series books in order of the series name instead of author...

I’ve started putting the fiction series books in order of the series name instead of author surname. 

Frankly, it just makes book searching a lot more user-friendly for my audience.

They want to find the series, not the author, and some series (e.g. 39 Clues) have multiple authors, so this way all the books for a series stay together.

via Tumblr http://ift.tt/2mDorov

libraryland, librarylife, School Libraries, school library

Me: Yo, I like your [Avengers comic book characters] shirt! Grade 6er: Thanks! :DMe: We’re...

Me: Yo, I like your [Avengers comic book characters] shirt! 

Grade 6er: Thanks! :D

Me: We’re definitely the same kind of nerd, ‘cause I always say that about your shirts.

Grade 6er: Oh, I know, it’s comical.

Me: That was horrible, I’m so proud.

via Tumblr http://ift.tt/2DjlGCP

school library, librarylife, libraryland, the avengers, grade 6, lol, oh so punny, School Libraries

the-book-ferret: Ready to go back to Hogwarts…


Ready to go back to Hogwarts…

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Sunday, 14 January 2018

So, I made some things

Hey Canadians! The Canadian government is seeking public input on how the Criminal Justice System can be reformed:


The Canadian government is seeking public comments on the following topics:

  • Victims experience
  • Indigenous over-representation
  • Mental Health
  • Restorative Justice
  • Court Delays

Public comments will only be accepted until January 31st, 2018.

Click this link to access the discussion pages. You will need to register an account to comment.

There is also a survey available if you don‘t want to make comments, but still want your viewpoints heard: http://ift.tt/2FyHkRY

Note: I made a previous post about this, but I’ve now deleted it because it had erroneous information on how long the submission for comments is available (that one said January 15th was the cutoff but I now see the deadline is the 31st). If you shared the previous post, please share this one again.

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Self service desks to be installed shortly at county libraries - Galway Bay FM

Self service desks to be installed shortly at county libraries - Galway Bay FM

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heterofredburkle: froglesbians: thequantumqueer: jellyfishmom: Romeo + Juliet (1996) truly has...





Romeo + Juliet (1996) truly has everything…heavy religious imagery…young leo…90s fashion…a brief drag scene….neon lights…those iconic angel wings

guns labeled “sword”

being better than anything shakespeare ever produced

i dislike the implication that shakespeare wouldn’t have done the exact same thing if he were alive in the 90′s

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Friday, 12 January 2018

So, uh, last semester I evidently catalogued 1,010 books on top of my regular library duties.The...

So, uh, last semester I evidently catalogued 1,010 books on top of my regular library duties.

The cupboards behind my desk are stil full as there are still hundreds (if not another thousand) books to be catalogued. 

I feel both super productive and accomplished and like I haven’t even made a dent all at once. :P

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hot damn, librarylife, libraryland, school library, School Libraries

Emotional Support Animal Factsheet

Emotional Support Animal Factsheet:


Here are your rights regarding Emotional Support Animals in “No Pet” housing.

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generally-nauseated: thoodleoo: ancient greek word of the day: αἰγίλιψ, “devoid of goats; hence,...



ancient greek word of the day: αἰγίλιψ, “devoid of goats; hence, incredibly steep, to the point that not even goats can climb it”


via Tumblr http://ift.tt/2EBPFmI

nypl: Happy birthday Jack London! Since this author gave us...


Happy birthday Jack London! Since this author gave us great literary dogs like Buck and White Fang, we made a list of our favorite bookish pups.

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Editor Dorothy 'Kirk' Polking opened doors for women writers

Editor Dorothy 'Kirk' Polking opened doors for women writers

via Tumblr http://ift.tt/2CVFbOA

As cold lingers, Lansing libraries, malls, agencies offer warmth and shelter

As cold lingers, Lansing libraries, malls, agencies offer warmth and shelter

via Tumblr http://ift.tt/2msmYlC

Saturday, 6 January 2018

Wednesday, 3 January 2018

Pre-partition temple turned into library

Pre-partition temple turned into library

via Tumblr http://ift.tt/2CzCg1Q

It me. There’s a reason I’d always have to check out 20 books...

It me. There’s a reason I’d always have to check out 20 books when I went to the library back in high school. Well, 2 reasons (the other being that I have no self-control to speak of when it comes to books).

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Role of libraries in peace, security - PakObserver

Role of libraries in peace, security - PakObserver

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abid hussain