A blog about libraries, librarianship, and other library-related things for any and all library lovers out there.
Sunday, 3 June 2018
Saturday, 2 June 2018
Monday, 28 May 2018
Sunday, 27 May 2018
Saturday, 26 May 2018
Sunday, 20 May 2018
Adventures in Librarian-ing
Me: What year were you born in?
Little Kid 1: 2008.
Little Kid 2: 2007.
Me: My dog was born a whole ten years before you guys.
Little Kid 1 & 2: O.O
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librarylife, libraryland, school library, elementary school, school stuff, adventures in librarian-ing, School Libraries, school life, school librarian
Saturday, 19 May 2018
Monday, 14 May 2018
just-shower-thoughts: Hyphenated does not have a hyphen, but non-hyphenated does.
Hyphenated does not have a hyphen, but non-hyphenated does.
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Sunday, 13 May 2018
Cabell phases out elementary librarians
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education, why you do this, elementary school, libraryland, librarylife, library news, United States of America, united states, the united states, Did You Know, cabell county, cabell, huntington, American News, Library Science, School Libraries, school librarian, school life, school library
Library associations support book about transgender girl included in state reading program
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oregon, portland, library news, Did You Know, libraryland, librarylife, lgbtq, lgbt, lgbt+ characters, lgbt representation, lgbt positivity, united stated, United States of America, the united states, the united states of america, us of a, American News
Saturday, 12 May 2018
Friday, 11 May 2018
cooliogirl101: epikalstorms: hufflepuffkat: the-modern-typewriter: “Shh, it’s alright,” the...
“Shh, it’s alright,” the villain said. “You’re doing beautifully and I’m so proud of you. But that’s enough now. It was cruel of them to make you fight me - you could never have won. It’s not your fault.”
The ancient and powerful villain may have had a calm and gentle face as he spoke, but he was furious, not at the hero, but the gods for continually sending kids and teenagers to fight their battles.
whoa I want me the supporting villain angry about kids being forced to fight them bc the Adults refuse to gear up themselves yesss
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Thursday, 10 May 2018
Wednesday, 9 May 2018
120-year-old Yukon Gold Rush sourdough heads to Belgian sourdough library | CBC News
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Yukon territory, yukon, canada, canadian news, belgium, sourdough, cooking, baking, libraries, librarians, library, recepies, alaska, library news, sourdough librarian, yukon gold rush, the gold rush, sourdough starter, cool news, interesting news, the cbc, cbc news, cbc, the yukon, did you know, fun facts, belgian waffle, belgian library, culinary research, culinary news
Tuesday, 8 May 2018
starbearries: bonniepangart: Book Dinosaurs Posting on...

Book Dinosaurs
Posting on Tumblr my art in the past few months.
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Saturday, 5 May 2018
Friday, 4 May 2018
I usually close the sliding doors to the learning commons when I read to a class, and today as I...
I usually close the sliding doors to the learning commons when I read to a class, and today as I did so I heard excited hisses of “She’s closing the doors!!!!”.
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libraryland, librarylife, school life, School Libraries, school librarian, school library, learning commons, elementary school, storytime
Tuesday, 1 May 2018
Monday, 30 April 2018
ibelieveinthelittletreetopper: obsessionisaperfume: awed-frog: Hey, do you know that feeling of...
Hey, do you know that feeling of hitching up a long skirt so you don’t fall on your face when walking upstairs, and then you immediately become a wretched yet resolute Jane Austen character? It’s a universal thing, right?
So much.
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headcanonsandmore: jabletown: turtletotem: jabletown: turtletotem: jabletown: ngl one of the...
ngl one of the main reasons i ship romione is because hermione got a cat that is the cat version of ron
…you just blew my entire mind
BIG, GINGER, GRUMPY, AND A LITTLE VIOLENT who am i talking about ron or crookshanks you don’t know
My mind keeps also drawing comparisons between Ron the Consistently Underappreciated with his overachieving brothers, and Crookshanks who languished at the pet store watching the cuter kittens get adopted…
This also makes Ron’s dislike of Crookshanks pretty hilarious
THAT IS ABSOLUTELY THE CRUX OF MY CROOKSHANKS IS THE CAT VERSION OF RON PHILOSOPHY. Fucking of course he hates that cat because he is that cat and he is Ron fucking Weasley. If Ron Weasley had a double that double would be better than him and he’d hate him too.
And of course Hermione has a soft spot for the most disagreeable, underdog cat in the world.
This makes so much sense!
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Sunday, 29 April 2018
Saturday, 28 April 2018
writing-prompt-s:Elphaba- the wicked witch of the west- didn’t die when Dorothy poured water on her....
Elphaba- the wicked witch of the west- didn’t die when Dorothy poured water on her. Instead, she wound up in Number Four, Private Drive- watching a walrus yell at a small child.
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sexualized-cas: broliloquy: broliloquy: korrigantsionnach: I want a story about a king whose...
I want a story about a king whose son is prophesied to kill him so the king is like “whatever what am I supposed to do, kill my own kid wtf is wrong with you” so he just raises him as normal, doesn’t even tell him about the prophecy, and instead of some convoluted twist of events that leads to the king’s murder the son grows up and when the king is very old and dying and in excruciating pain the kid is just like alright I'mma put him out of his misery.
The king’s son becomes the new king, and is prophesied to defeat evil and bring an age of prosperity. His generals and knights all crack their knuckles but he pretty much ignores them and focuses on strengthening the infrastructure of his kingdom. Forty years later he is old and sick but still hearing his subjects’ grievances, and a general’s like “how will you defeat the prophesied evil now? You’re old and weak.” Another visitor, a teenager fresh out of the kingdom’s public education system, looks at the general like he is an ignoramus. The king eradicated poverty, housed the homeless, taught the ignorant, ended class exploitation by abolishing the nobility and imprisoning the corrupt, and established a highly respected guild of doctors that recently figured out how to cure the plague. There are no brigands because there is enough wealth for everyone to live comfortably; hiding in the woods and taking trinkets from people simply doesn’t make any sense for anyone but the desperate, and the people are not desperate. Evil is a weed, explains the teenager. It grows in cracked roads and crumbling houses and forgotten corners, rooted in indifference and watered by suffering. But the king demands that broken things be mended and suffering people be made well.
No evil lives in this kingdom, says the teenager. It starved to death before I was born.
Every once in a while, when I’m feeling down, I go and look at the notes on this post and they make me feel a lot better. This is the energy I want to carry into 2018.
Someone needs to write a book asap because this is a gold mine in waiting, it’s basically breaking most stereotypes and introducing a brand new idea that seems very obvious. It’s looking inside the books, but in the corner.
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Friday, 27 April 2018
I think that my favourite classes to read to are the Grade 1 and 2s, because they get...
I think that my favourite classes to read to are the Grade 1 and 2s, because they get SOOOOOOO enthused about having storytime.
Today it took a little longer for me to get to storytime, as some of the kids were having a bit of difficulty finding a Good Fit book they wanted, and I had no less than 3 kids worriedly ask me if I was going to read them a story today, please.
I assured them I was and that I even had books picked out already.
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storytime, the real life of me, school library, school librarian, libraryland, librarylife, kids are great
Thursday, 26 April 2018
Hey, Neil, big fan of your work. I was wondering, I'm gonna do a cosplay of Mr. Wednesday, and I really want to get into character, can you give me tips for how to perfectly play the character?
Just be smarter than everyone else, and make them think that everything you want them to do was their own idea in the first place.
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Wednesday, 25 April 2018
paddysnuffles: tumboner: leoreturns: I have been waiting all...

I have been waiting all year to post this.
Lol You know you’re Canadian when…
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Tuesday, 24 April 2018
tramtheram: games-for-gamers: When game devs put Easter eggs in...

When game devs put Easter eggs in the game menu…
The game is Ghost 1.0 and after the last box of “I’m getting sick of you” it kicks you out to the desktop.
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tolstoyevskywrites: prokopetz: I’ll be honest with you, if you’d told me this time last year that...
I’ll be honest with you, if you’d told me this time last year that the Reign of the Chrises would be ended by a guy named Chad, this isn’t how I’d have pictured it going down.
This is funny even with no context. And then you realize it’s about Marvel, and it’s even better.
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Maloney Introduces Life-Saving Librarians Act - Hudson Valley News Network
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representative sean patrick maloney
Monday, 23 April 2018
Sunday, 22 April 2018
This Best-Selling Author Lives With 4 Dogs, 17 Chickens, 3 Horses, a Pony and a Cat
She may care for a veritable menagerie, but Lisa Scottoline still writes three books a year, including the just-published thriller “After Anna.”
My kind of dream life, tbh!
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neil-gaiman:This envelope arrived the other day addressed to...

This envelope arrived the other day addressed to Amanda. Two locks and a lock-picking kit. I hesitate to ask. I fear I might have married a cat burglar, superspy, or private eye.
I fail to see the downside.
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Public broadcaster music library closing, CDs to be digitised, destroyed
Canada’s public broadcaster CBC (English) and Radio-Canada (French) is going through massive changes.
With huge funding cuts from the government and increasing costs, this has meant equally massive staff and production cuts. Rapidly developing technological developments are also driving the changes. The broadcaster with stations across the country has, over the decades, amassed a vast collection of recorded music and other artefacts.
In 2012, and subsequent to a massive budget cut, the CBC began a policy of digitizing its collection to save space and storage costs, even as a move began to sell off its buildings and move into smaller quarters.
The main French-language production centre of Radio-Canada in Montreal has also been digitising its collection. However, recently it was revealed that most of the collection of over 200,000 CDs will be destroyed when the process is completed in 2019 and prior to the move to new quarters in 2020. The destroyed materials apparently will be recycled.
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Saturday, 21 April 2018
Skull given by Victor Hugo to Sarah Bernhardt
Someone referred to this on twitter, and of course I had to verify, but apparently it’s true?? The skull Sarah Bernhardt used when she played Hamlet was a gift from Victor Hugo.
I’d wonder why this is never mentioned in bios, but covering Hugo’s life is admittedly a Choose Your Battles kinda thing
Before presenting this unusual gift, Hugo inscribed a verse on the cranium about the sadness of the body once the soul has departed. The verse, originally in French, reads:
Skeleton, what have you done with your soul?
Lamp, what have you done with your flame?
Empty cage, what have you done with
The beautiful bird that used to sing?
Volcano, what have you done with your lava?
Slave, what have you done with your master?
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Friday, 20 April 2018
Thursday, 19 April 2018
Wednesday, 18 April 2018
Tuesday, 17 April 2018
Workers at local libraries celebrate day dedicated to them
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news, library, events, fargo, west fargo
Monday, 16 April 2018
Sunday, 15 April 2018
For five years, this College Park library has built education programs for residents
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liberalsarecool: Facebook went from ‘we don’t think this...

Facebook went from ‘we don’t think this happened’ to 50 million to 87 million.
They knew the entire time.
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Saturday, 14 April 2018
NPR News: Can Social Media Have A Structure That Does More Good Than Harm?
New story on NPR: Can Social Media Have A Structure That Does More Good Than Harm? https://ift.tt/2GUidt5
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betterlibraryschoolclasses: my-flourish-and-blotts: Librarian...

Librarian Skills™
Going off the number of bangs and bruises from book carts and shelves that come out of nowhere, this was not a class offered in my library graduate program.
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I’m a Disabled Woman Who Wants to See More Literary Characters Like Me | Marian Ryan
“I’m searching the cultural landscape for references, role models, and it’s not easy to find them. I don’t see or read about many women simply living their lives while disabled.”
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Check out some of the cool artwork done by the high schoolers in...

Check out some of the cool artwork done by the high schoolers in art class which we’re featuring at the library!
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School Libraries, school life, libraryland, librarylife, school librarian, school library, canadian libraries, canada
Friday, 13 April 2018
feministingforchange: iatrogenic: jovialdictator: quietdharma:...

Shared on the “spoon shortage” Facebook page
this is why its depressing to work in a pharmacy.
I was definitely a profit killer when I worked in a pharmacy (which honestly was my favorite job in the entire world, but it was short-lived and nowadays you can’t work at a pharmacy like that, it’s all tied in with corporate retail and no one should ever trust me with a cash register ever). It was not, however, actually a profit killer for the pharmacy, just for the drug companies, so no one cared. These days I do medical billing, which means I actually bill OUT from hospitals so I’m mostly spending my professional time taking money away from insurance companies.
I will now impart all of my profit killing resources onto you, in case you don’t know them. I think most of you know them, now. But just in case you don’t.
1. GoodRx - this thing has an app now, so you can look up the best places to get your expensive medicines at the lowest possible prices without insurance on the go, and you no longer have to print coupons because you can just hand over your phone or tablet. Times have changed for the better with GoodRx. Definitely use it before trying to fill your scrip, because it will tell you the best place to go. (You can do that on the website, too.)
2. NeedyMeds - Needymeds is basically the clearinghouse of drug payment assistance. They have their own discount cards, but also connections to many patient assistance programs run by drug companies themselves. They are good assistance programs, too.
3. Ask your county - This is not a link. This is a pro tip. Most county social services will have pharmacy discount programs for people with no and/or shitty pharmaceutical coverage. You can often just find them hanging around at social services offices; you can just pick one up and walk off with it.
4. Ordering online - There are a few safe online pharmacies. I keep a little database in a text file on my computer. Most of them are courtesy of CFS forums, my mother or voidbat, so a lot of that is a hat tip to other people, but if you’re in need of a place to get a drug without a prescription … first I’ll make sure you 100% know what you’re doing for safety reasons and then I’m happy to turn over a link.
5. Healthfinder - A government resource that helps find patient assistance programs in your area. This might also point out the convenient county card thing. RxHope is something a lot of people get pointed to via Healthfinder that’s a good program.
6. Mental Health America - Keeps a list of their best PAPs for psychiatric medications, which can be some of the most expensive and a lot of pharmacy plans don’t cover them at all.
This is so important ppl.
Signal boost the shit out of it!
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Berkeley Public Library promotes STEM literacy through new programming
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sarah dentan
Thursday, 12 April 2018
WATCH: New elevator, makerspace coming to Red Deer’s downtown library - Red Deer Advocate
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red deer public library
Northamptonshire may close up to 28 of its 36 libraries
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libraries, local government, books, culture, politics
Wednesday, 11 April 2018
charlemane: Enterprise Gothic (TOS edition) It takes 430 crew to run the Enterprise. A landing...
Enterprise Gothic (TOS edition)
- It takes 430 crew to run the Enterprise. A landing party is sent out. It takes 429 crew to run the Enterprise.
- Everyone keeps saying that your ship’s first officer is the best first officer in the fleet. It’s true that he’s very good at his job, but you’ve been keeping track and he’s tried to hijack the ship on at least three separate occasions so far. What the hell is going on with all the other first officers in the fleet, you wonder.
- You order a chicken sandwich and coffee. You receive a plate of tribbles. This is different from every other time you’ve ordered a chicken sandwich and coffee, when you’ve received a plate of Play-Doh cubes.
- Another landing party is sent out. It takes 428 crew to run the Enterprise.
- You don’t even remember what chicken sandwiches and coffee taste like, and yet you keep ordering them anyway. One day, you hope, the replicator will deliver. Something other than those cubes. Something other than tribbles. You hope.
- You wonder if it’s a sin against god to eat a tribble.
- You wonder if god could even find you in space.
- You find god in space.
- The landing party fights him.
- It takes 427 crew to run the Enterprise.
- The first officer and the ship’s doctor are insulting each other on the bridge. This is how you know you’ve made it to safety.
- The first officer and the ship’s doctor are working together as a coordinated team. This is how you know there is an imminent threat of absolute destruction.
- There have been so many imminent threats of absolute destruction.
- You find a chicken sandwich and coffee. It is almost definitely a mind trick conjured by an incredibly intelligent race of aliens millennia beyond human development.
- The aliens want you to stop fighting. They do not give you the chicken sandwich or the coffee.
- You’ve been en route to shore leave for six months. Strange things keep urgently diverting the ship along the way. You worry that you’ll be sent out in a landing party before you ever get your leave.
- It takes 426 crew to run the Enterprise.
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itreallyatemyhand: James: Heyyy bff you should totally be our secret keeper yeah?? Sirius: Nah...
James: Heyyy bff you should totally be our secret keeper yeah??
Sirius: Nah dude. My animagus form, the reflection of my innermost soul, is a dog, the most loyal animal ever. You should probably go with guy who turns into a rat instead, the universal symbol for betrayal.
James: Ahh yeah dude you’re right omg kay cool thanks bro
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Thursday, 5 April 2018
Being a writer like
The beginning? Yeah, got that covered.
The ending? Totally! It’s awesome, got all that planned out already.
The middle part? Uh… ???????
Speaking of the middle, this just punched me right in the gut
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Wednesday, 4 April 2018
Visits to towns' libraries "remain buoyant" despite closures across Britain
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british library, united kingdom, the united kingdom, great britain, the UK, public libraries, libraries, library news, libraryland, librarylife
Tuesday, 3 April 2018
Council spending on libraries cut by £66m last year | Public Finance
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library news, librarylife, libraryland, great britain, british libraries, the united kingdom, united kingdom, the UK
Monday, 2 April 2018
Sharjah Public Library launched digital collection
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sharjah, overdrive, inc., persian gulf, manager
Sunday, 1 April 2018
Saturday, 31 March 2018
fiercereadsya: Do you love historical novels about girls who...

Do you love historical novels about girls who dress up as boys so they can live their best lives? If yes, we’ve got a brand new book just for you. 😍
The Beloved Wild by Melissa Ostrom
She’s not the girl everyone expects her to be.
Harriet Winter is the eldest daughter in a farming family in New Hampshire, 1807. She is expected to help with her younger sisters. To pitch in with the cooking and cleaning. And to marry her neighbor, the farmer Daniel Long. Harriet’s mother sees Daniel as a good match, but Harriet doesn’t want someone else to choose her path—in love or in life.
When Harriet’s brother decides to strike out for the Genesee Valley in Western New York, Harriet decides to go with him—disguised as a boy. Their journey includes sickness, uninvited strangers, and difficult emotional terrain as Harriet sees more of the world, realizes what she wants, and accepts who she’s loved all along.
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Friday, 30 March 2018
Thursday, 29 March 2018
Israeli justice minister asks: Why not segregate libraries by sex?
Oh. Oh wow. That is such a bad idea I don’t even know where to start.
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Wednesday, 28 March 2018
The Tories are savaging libraries – and closing the book on social mobility | John Harris
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libraries, books, culture, conservatives, politics
Sewickley man's $37M gift to library, hospital is Pittsburgh Foundation's second largest
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foundation, sewickley, pittsburgh, suckling, gift
I was away sick for most of last week. Within the two days since I’ve been back I’ve had 4 kids stop...
I was away sick for most of last week.
Within the two days since I’ve been back I’ve had 4 kids stop by to worriedly ask me if I’m feeling better, another handful ask me how I’m doing as they picked up a laptop for class, and nearly got knocked over by a kid who shrieked “YOU’RE BACK!!!!” and launched themselves across the room to tackle me into an excited bear hug.
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librarylife, libraryland, School Libraries, school librarian, sick leave, the real life of me, i guess they missed me, lol, school life
Tuesday, 27 March 2018
steelfeather: sandyferal: Am I the only one sensing a pattern...

Am I the only one sensing a pattern here?
Diversity pays and anyone who claims otherwise is either a bigot and a liar, or an idiot.
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Monday, 26 March 2018
Sunday, 25 March 2018
Saturday, 24 March 2018
Of course we have bookshops in Nigeria. But they’re for the lucky few |Sede Alonge
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nigeria, africa, world news, books, culture
Waterstones boss condemns public library closures as a 'disgrace'
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waterstones boss condemns public library closures
Friday, 23 March 2018
Thursday, 22 March 2018
leatherdaddymikepence: this is the worst snap I’ve ever sent to...

this is the worst snap I’ve ever sent to anyone. my semantics class is ruining my life.
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I’ve had to take a few days of sick leave due to having a fairly high fever and a massive headache,...
I’ve had to take a few days of sick leave due to having a fairly high fever and a massive headache, but I think what bothers me the most is how disappointed the kids must be most of them don’t get library time this week (I always hear them talking to each other about how much they like the library and multiple teachers have told me their kids always get excited about library time). :/
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sick leave, librarylife, libraryland, School Libraries
Wednesday, 21 March 2018
Tuesday, 20 March 2018
Monday, 19 March 2018
Sunday, 18 March 2018
Saturday, 17 March 2018
thehpalliance: Accio Books is just around the corner and we’re...

Accio Books is just around the corner and we’re sending books to develop lending libraries at the Boys and Girls Clubs of Puerto Rico and all around the world!
Help us make this magical campaign happen by donating or fundraising at: apparatinglibrary.org
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rainbowrowell: fanbows: @rainbowrowell reminding us why she’s...

@rainbowrowell reminding us why she’s our queen 👑
Sharing because I did in fact say all this – not because I feel 👑-ly
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Friday, 16 March 2018
Thursday, 15 March 2018
Reimagining libraries in the digital era
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national library board, easter, andrew carnegie, trends in library usage, singapore
Wednesday, 14 March 2018
Tuesday, 13 March 2018
Samuel McGarvey to Represent Delaware in 2018 Poetry Out Loud National Finals in Washington
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poetry out loud
Monday, 12 March 2018
Ajman school to set up library dedicated to Zayed
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shaikh zayed bin sultan al, majid bin saeed al nuaimi, shaikh zayed, al nahyan family, chair
Sunday, 11 March 2018
writing-prompt-s:When artists/authors die they continue their works in the afterlife. Heaven and...
When artists/authors die they continue their works in the afterlife. Heaven and hell compete periodically by hosting an award show. This time, you hosting, announce the new ‘works from life’ but at googelplexes of sequels.
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Librarian's View: Meaningful dialogue can come now
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opinion, to kill a mockingbird, the adventures of huckleberry finn, duluth school district, duluth public schools