real ice eater memes
lov the cronch
my naym is Pidg
and wen its cold
and all the drips
to rouftops hold
i sit up hygh
i hav my lonch -i chomps the ice.
i lov the cronch.
via Tumblr
A blog about libraries, librarianship, and other library-related things for any and all library lovers out there.
real ice eater memes
lov the cronch
my naym is Pidg
and wen its cold
and all the drips
to rouftops hold
i sit up hygh
i hav my lonch -i chomps the ice.
i lov the cronch.
Man eating rice, China, 1901-1904
this is an extremely important picture
Ive never seen someone from 1904 having fun omg
He has a nice face
No but the history behind this picture is really interesting
The reason that everyone always looked miserable in old photos wasn’t that they took too long to take. Once photography became widespread it took only seconds to take a picture.
It was because getting your photo taken was treated the same as getting your portrait painted. A very serious occasion meant so thst your descendants would know that ypu existed and what you looked like.
But one time some British dudes went to china to go on an anthropological expedition, and they met some rural Chinese farmers and decided to take their pictures. Now, these people weren’t exposed to the weird culture of the time around getting your photo taken, so this guy just flashed a big grin during the photo because he was told to strike a pose and that’s the pose he wanted to strike.
I think painted portraits and old photos give us the idea that in general people were just really unhappy because those are the visuals we have. This is so refreshing.
Good news in Canada.
Fun fact/reminder: Studies show Wkipedia is generally more reliable than encyclopedias, because its content gets updated more frequently (often in real time as events and discoveries happen and get reported on).
Just be smart about what you cite from Wikipedia – does it have a citation? Is that citation a reliable source?
If you’re unsure, your friendly local librarian will be more than happy to double check for you.
We’ll even give you tips on how to recognize reliable sources and show you how we do it! :)
12:30 - Music: Swift Current’s most literate musicians play protest songs
1:00 - Speeches by concerned citizens, including MLA Dr. Ryan Meili
1:15 - Storytime for the whole family
1:30 - “Parade” for Public Libraries
The Government of Saskatchewan cut funding to Saskatchewan’s public library system by 58% with no warning. All Chinook Regional Libraries, including the Swift Current Branch Library, are in danger of closing unless provincial funding is restored.
Come and rally to tell Premier Wall that he can save Saskatchewan’s Public Library for just $0.02 per person, per day. Saskatchewan’s Public Libraries are too valuable to lose over just 4.8 million dollars.
With Special Guests: Shimmer the Swift Current Library’s Literacy Donkey & Talla from Read to a Dog, MLA Dr. Ryan Meili & more!
Special Musical Guests: Paula McGuigan, Dustin Olmsted, Michael Lyndstad, Vanessa Gauvin & more! They put the FUN in getting library FUNding restored! Music starts at 12:45. Hear all your favorite protest songs by Swift Current finest musicians!
Organized by: The Friends of the Swift Current Branch LibraryDate & Time: Saturday, April 29 at 1 PM - 1:30 PM CST
Location: 233 Central Ave N, Swift Current, SK S9H 0L3, Canada
can you imagine. Library au
Keith and hunk work in receiving, processing new shipments/donations and putting books back from the dropoff chute. Pidge is IT support for the library and keeps the servers secure and lightning fast and definitely doesn’t spy on people with her network. Shiro and lance are the receptionists bc Lance thought it would be a good way to meet some smokin bodies and shiro just really loves books okay. Coran owns the building and Allura manages it and takes down all the mouse traps Coran puts up because “they’ve never chewed anything or pooped on the books, Coran!”
And there are the usual library shenanigans including but not limited to
- a closet full of books. no context it’s just there and Coran wants it to stay.
- squirrels sneaking in through the dropoff chute when the weather gets colder
- hunk and keith hunting the squirrels bc they’re not always busy
- hunk wanting to be humane only and Keith slowly putting his knife away
- Keith this is a library why do you have a knife
- *squints into the horizon like a war veteran* squirrels
- pidge suggesting that the mice are helping the squirrels
- keith’s war against rodents begins and Allura scrambles to set up cozy hiding spots for them all just out of Keith’s reach
- and then he finds his pistachios MISSING and his pear has been nibbled upon and he mc freaking loses it
- shiro puts this sign up on the dropoff chute very quietly and kindly and he just kind of puffs up knowing that he’s done a Good Deed
- people start obeying the sign and Lance leaves the front doors open so he can hear it every single time it happens. He has a tally chart.
- the chute opens one day without anyone shouting down it and Keith runs upstairs and looks around “did you see any squirrels ma'am”
- Lance is dying bc it was him.
- klance makeouts between the bookshelves
- the dudes from the computer repair shop next door coming in and asking if any of the webcams in the library had mysteriously turned on too
- pidge is a good liar bc obviously she was behind it.
- hunk and allura putting food for the squirrels on the roof in an attempt to keep them safe from Keith
- hunk and allura realizing that the squirrels are determined, suicidal little shits and so they just put food in the corner of the library or up on the highest bookshelves and hope that their tails will do the dusting for them
- shiro sighing at literally everything as he hand feeds the squirrels
- is he Snow White like how does he do that
- Keith’s Betrayed Face when he sees shiro schmoozing the squirrels
- *whispers* I thought you loved me
- shiro rolling his eyes so hard he goes and joins a bowling league
- the dudes from the computer repair shop coming back AGAIN and asking if show tunes had started playing in the library
- pidge must physically remove herself from their presence bc she’s trying very hard not to cackle like an overlord
- Keith brings in a CAT
- allura is horrified and literally clutches her chest
- Lance falls in love with the cat, feeds it treats and snacks and gives it lazy toys until it gets ULTRA FAT
- Keith comes to the conclusion that his bf sabotaged his cat plan on purpose and cuts off the nookie supply for a month
- worst month of everyone’s lives tbh
- hunk begs Keith to please just fuck Lance again
- a hanjo in the Scientology section at the very least please please please
- pidge and shiro end up stuck in the weird book closet somehow
- shiro COULD break down the door but that’s just a lot of work
- why break things when you could have a book fight
- they throw a couple hundred paperbacks at each other for 20 minutes
- pidge builds a throne of books and rules her domicile (400 books and shiro) with cunning and dignity
- until shiro slaps her in the face with a copy of pride and prejudice and the war begins anew
- the library has like three floors and everyone knows to stay out of the left wing of the third floor during lunch breaks bc Lance and Keith honestly don’t care if u see their butts they will not stop
- shiro or hunk lifting pidge onto their shoulders to put more food on the shelves for the squirrels
- the general populace of the town not being weirded out by any of the shenanigans in the library
- it’s just another beautiful day in mr Roger’s neighbourhood for them
- Keith runs by them with a knife in his teeth and a net in his hands? Totally normal
“Libraries NI said the move was due to a 5% reduction in its budget allocation compared to 2016/17.
The baseline budget has been cut from £27.7m in 2016-17 to £26.3m in 2017-18.
As a result, it plans to make savings of £1.4m this year by reducing the amount of money spent on books, other stock, staff and maintenance.
According to figures seen by the BBC, their plans include spending almost £500,000 less on books and other stock. “ - Library Journal
A press that uses wooden blocks and dates to 1729 is the embodiment of a hallowed tradition and is one site where the Tibetan language is being preserved.
a midsummer night’s meme
my name is Puck
and wen its nite
or faerie-kind
is in a fite
the humans run
i shout wyth glee
“lord what fools
these mortals be”This is what Shakespeare would have wanted.
did Harry Potter really have a currency called a knut??? how did preteen (and let’s be real twenty year old) wizards deal w that??
“and how are you paying for your preordered copy of “Super Rad And Probably Very Dangerous Beasts And Where To Totally Find Them” by Rubeus Hagrid?
“with deez knuts”
This is the funniest thing I’ve ever seen I’ve been laughing for 5 minutes please send help
Teen Vogue once again being awesome.
A free multilingual guide for non-U.S. citizens coming to Canada from the U.S. to make a refugee claim. Thousands of refugees are crossing the Canada-U.S. border, many fleeing escalated sociopolitical, white supremacist, misogynist violence and I.C.E raids in the U.S. In the first two months of this year, approximately 2000 refugee claims were filed at land ports of entry along the Canadian…
On a bitterly cold day in February 1846, the French writer Victor Hugo was on his way to work when he saw something that affected him profoundly.
A thin young man with a loaf of bread under his arm was being led away by police. Bystanders said he was being arrested for stealing the loaf. He was dressed in mud-spattered clothes, his bare feet thrust into clogs, his ankles wrapped in bloodied rags in lieu of stockings.
“It made me think,” wrote Hugo. “The man was no longer a man in my eyes but the specter of la misère, of poverty.”
Read more about the theft that helped inspire Les Miserables.
– Petra
Title page from "A treatise on the new and curious coffee tea and chocolate,” from 1684. These new imports to Europe changed European society by creating the culture of the coffee or tea house – a public place where people could discuss the events of the day. They also are, of course, stimulants that fueled some of the thinking of the scientific revolution and enlightenment.
if anyone is curious how I’m utilizing my English degree in the office
this post makes me so happy.